Craft Your Duel Disk and Summon Monsters in Infinite Craft!
While you can't play a full Yu-Gi-Oh! experience within Infinite Craft the game offers a fun way to create collectible blocks representing characters, monsters, and spells from the beloved trading card game.

Method 1: The Thematic Route
Forge the Magic: The Gathering Block:
- Combine Earth + Wind = Dust
- Follow subsequent steps to craft Planet, Sun, Solar System, Computer, Software, and finally, Game.
Craft the Fighting Block:
- Combine Earth + Water = Plant
- Follow additional steps to create Dandelion, Wine, Drunk, Bar, Pub, Club, and finally, Fight.
Unite Gaming and Fighting:
- Combine Fight + Game = Fighting Game
Find Your Valentine:
- Combine Dust + Wind = Sandstorm
- Follow further steps to craft Oasis, Date, Planet, Valentine, Dating, Marriage, Divorce, and Valentine's Day.
Craft the Card Block:
- Combine Tree + Water = River
- Combine River + Tree = Paper
- Merge Paper + Valentine's Day = Card
The Grand Union: Magic Meets Anime!
- Combine Card + Fighting Game = Magic: The Gathering
- Combine Fire + Fire = Volcano (alternative methods might exist)
- Combine Water + Water = Lake
- Follow additional steps to craft Island, Continent, Asia, and finally, Anime.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Emerges!
- Combine Magic: The Gathering + Anime = Yu-Gi-Oh!
Method 2: A Character-Driven Approach
Craft the Coin Block:
- Combine Earth + Water = Dust
- Follow additional steps to create Mud, Brick, Kiln, Furnace, Metal, and finally, Coin.
Forge the Asia Block:
- Combine Fire + Fire = Volcano (alternative methods might exist)
- Follow additional steps to craft Lake, Island, Continent, and finally, Asia.
Unite Asia and Coin:
- Combine Asia + Coin = Yuan
Craft the Yugi Block:
- Combine Earth + Fire = Lava
- Follow additional steps to craft Plant, Lake, Lily, Dust, Angel, Devil, Demon, and finally, Yugi.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Stands Up!
- Combine Yugi + Yuan = Yu-Gi-Oh
Exploring the World of Yu-Gi-Oh!
With the Yu-Gi-Oh! block in hand, experiment with further combinations to craft iconic monsters, spells, and characters. Here are some examples:
- Yu-Gi-Oh + America = Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds
- Yu-Gi-Oh + Lake = Blue Eyes White Dragon
- Yu-Gi-Oh + Monster = Kaiba
- Yu-Gi-Oh! + Sandstorm = Shadow Realm (exclusive to Yu-Gi-Oh! block)
- These are just a few examples. Experiment and discover countless Yu-Gi-Oh! related blocks!
- The specific crafting combinations might vary depending on your game version.
- While you can't duel opponents, have fun collecting and crafting your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! elements!